"No escalation of treatment"
This is the tone-deaf letter I received from the hospital, after reviewing my father's chart and discovering his end-of-life treatment plan was disregarded by this doctor.
First and foremost, the duration of my father's remaining time is irrelevant.
Who do you think you are to make this decision?
How dare you make this critical decision behind my father's back and the back of our entire family?
Altering someone's end-of-life wishes constitutes a grave violation of their autonomy and medical ethics.
I currently have an investigation the College of Physicians and Surgeon's of Ontario. I am egarly awaiting a decision, and praying for accountability and justice for my dad.
The College tries to resolve complaints within 150 days of the submission.
I will keep you all posted with any updates.
Feel free to review guidelines of end of life care from the CPSO.
There are established guidelines THAT WERE NOT FOLLOWED. This physician just does what she whatever she wants. She believes she's invisable under her "white coat."
As Defined by the CPSO,
"A physician's decision to withhold resuscitative measures is not "treatment" and therefore does not require the patient or SDM's consent. "
However there are more rules that apply to this- which were NOT followed.