Other ideas for change:
Body Cameras:
Hospital staff should be wearing body cameras, with audio.
The amount of fabrications I have seen in my dads chart notes are deplorable.
Hospital staff should have nothing to worry about, if they are being honest and forthright. I'm sure just as police have had to wear them, they likely encounter some cases where body cameras have helped, and they likley have also weeded out the dishonest people in their profession.
It seems to me, Hospital staff have no trouble embelishing and altering story lines, because not alot of people get to look at chart notes. Trust me there are way more discrepancies than there should be in a legal medical document.
It should at least be an option. Especially for conversations regarding end of life care, and treatment planning.
All of this should be video and audio recorded, more so for patient safety, and to keep the professionals to a standard of honestly that is definetly lacking.
If patients were more aware of the lack of transparency in these people, they would want all interactions recorded.
I myself moving forward will always have a recorder on me, with medical professionals. After dealing with the fabrications and dishonesty of this hospital, you should consider the same.
Hospital staff need to be watched much more closely than they have been, especially after all the slack we have given them due to their struggles after the pandemic.