October 25th- November 7th (13 days).

This WOLF in sheeps clothing  decided to proceed with the the order of- "no escalation of treatment."  

She signed off to just "let him die" ... less than two weeks later, he was gone. 💔


We just wanted all the time we could have together...

October 25, 2023

The Wolf.

During our conversation with this doctor, she spoke of her aggressive opinions and attempted to embellish and alter facts to paint a different senerio than what was actually true.

Her strong opinions were delivered in a manner that felt aggressive and disrespectful, particularly towards my father. She seemed to be strongly advocating for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) and instructing us on how to prepare for it, which felt coercive and insensitive.

She repeatedly pressured my father to consider Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), which he consistently refused.

During the conversation, the doctor asked me if I trusted her. I responded, 'more than some of the others. "

When I questioned the doctor's predictions of my father's demise, she became insistent and dismissive, seemingly determined to avoid being proven wrong again.

Despite my discomfort, the doctor placed her hands on my shoulders, pretending to offer comfort, meanwhile she was manipulating the situation.

This interaction was a precursor to her decision to 'deescalate care.'

My father consistently defied their predictions, proving them wrong repeatedly.

Misrepresentation of Facts:
The doctor's medical records contain a fabricated account of the end-of-life care discussion.

Omission of MAID:

The records entirely omit the doctor's repeated attempts to introduce MAID.

Misrepresentation of Family Agreement:
The records falsely suggest that my brother and I agreed to de-escalate treatment, which is categorically untrue.

The final instruction in this chart entry is particularly alarming:

"No escalation of care, this should include no further fluid, resuscitation or ABX."

This directive effectively removed my father's access to essential medical care, including antibiotics to treat a hospital-acquired infection.

According to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, 'no escalation of care' typically implies maintaining the current level of treatment while avoiding new or additional interventions.

Removal of Life Support:
By implementing this directive, the doctor effectively removed my father's lifeline.

Despite his repeated refusals of MAID, the doctor appears to have pursued this outcome through deception and manipulation.

The doctor's belief in her own authority and her willingness to falsify medical records are deeply concerning.  

Accountability needs to be had. 


This is the above chart entry, where the doctor altered the narrative and storyline to suit her desired outcome. There is no mention of her coercion of maid. She altered the storyline to suit the outcome she desired. 



On the next page,  I have attached a conversation my brother and I had via text, where we discussed what actually transpired. This conversation was 4 hours in length. But as you will read, the conversation was strikingly different than what her notes depict. ➡️ 

Out text was immediately after this conversation so it brings real time accuracy.

And obviously at that time, we did not know we would be sharing these texts with the world,  so it contains us candidly speaking with no filter,  about out thoughts about this doctor and the conversation at hand.